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Home School Enrollment Guidelines

The State of Texas does not award a diploma to students who are home schooled. Home-schooled students or students transferring from unaccredited private school may enter public school at any time, but must adhere to the district’s guidelines to assess the mastery level of courses that students in home schools have taken. The results of the assessment will be used for grade placement or award of credit, or both.

Awarding of credit for courses taken will be determined by reviewing the curriculum and/or work of the student as well as using appropriate assessments. COCISD may place students according to a review of the curriculum, course of study, and work of the student coming from a home school environment. §28.021 of the Texas Education Code (TEC) requires advancement or credit to be awarded on the basis of "academic achievement or demonstrated proficiency of the subject matter."

TEA suggests the following guidelines:

  1. Elementary students should be assessed by means of a nationally recognized norm-referenced test or by a previously released STAAR assessment for the appropriate grade level.
  2. Secondary students may be assessed using credit-by-examination methods for individual subject areas or by previously released STAAR end-of-course assessments.
  3. A secondary student assessed using the credit-by-examination method should be given adequate time to prepare for the test, particularly if multiple examinations are required. Under 19 TAC §74.24(c), the standard of 70% for students to receive credit for courses they have already taken should be used rather than that the 80% standard for earning credit for courses not previously taken.

COCISD Procedures

Students enrolling from grade K-8 home school program or unaccredited private school will:

  1. Contact Counselor from the school of the grade last completed
  2. Take assessment in Reading and Math for the last grade level completed
  3. Student must score at least 70% on each content to receive credit
  4. Provide Home school records (grades/transcript)
  5. Provide curriculum information (completed work) 

Students enrolling from grade 9-12 home school program or unaccredited private school will:

  1. Contact Counselor from the school of the grade last completed
  2. Take assessment in Reading and Math for the last grade level completed
  3. Student must score at least 70% on each content to receive credit
  4. Provide Home school records (grades/transcript)
  5. Provide curriculum information (completed work) 

All decisions regarding student placement are final.

If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact the campus counselor where you would like to enroll your child. Contact information for campus counselors may be found on each campus website under the Counselor tab.