Fundamental 5 - Formula for Quality Instruction
Fundamental 5 - Formula for Quality Instruction
Fundamental 5
Frame the Lesson:
- Learning objective in student-friendly language
- Look at the lesson and translate how you will talk to kids
- Have a closing question or product with every lesson
Work in the Power Zone:
- Don’t teach from your desk or podium (60% of HS teachers do)
- Proximity to students working is vital (70% goal)
- Increases on-task behavior and retention
- Posted is as important what we say. Arrange your room to allow movement.
Frequent Small Group Purposeful Talk:
- Every 10‐15 minutes stop & let kids discuss for 30 to 60 seconds
- Still must be teacher-driven with 2‐4 students per group
- Use natural transition points in your lesson
- Pre-plan your questions or the questions will tend to be low-level type questions
Recognize and Reinforce:
- Personalize both with each student
- Success & improvement needs recognition
- Reinforce all good things & procedures
Write Critically:
- The least observable trait of the 5
- Examples: Purposeful note-taking, summary paragraphs, class exit tickets, use as a warm-up to begin class
- Writing creates retention for every level of student
- Note-taking templates & how to use them