Please choose from the appropriate Vendor Application Packet below:
The "E" on the select Vendor Application Packets stands for "EDGAR". These forms are to be completed if a vendor will be paid with Title/Federal funds instead of the General Fund. Any vendors that are completing the V3 or V3E vendor application packets will also require a background check completed by the police department. The background check will require the vendor to be fingerprinted which will need to be scheduled with IdentoGo.
Local Vendor Packets
- V1 - Vendor Packet - Products Only (Never on campus)
- V2 - Vendor Packet (On campus/with students; Always supervised AND > 5 days)
- V3 - Vendor Packet (On campus/with students; Unsupervised OR > 5 days)
Federal Vendor Packets
- V1E Vendor Packet (Never on campus/with students; Unsupervised + EDGAR)
- V2E Vendor Packet (On campus/with students; Supervised OR 5 or less days + EDGAR)
- V3E Vendor Packet (On campus/with students; Unsupervised OR > 5 days + EDGAR)
Individual Vendor Forms
- 01 Independent Contractor Form Checklist(s)
- 02 Independent Contractor Student Involvement Form
- 03 Independent Contractor Agreement
- 04 Vendor Information Sheet
- 05 Commodity Codes
- 06 W-9
- 07a CIQ Instructions
- 07b COI Questionnaire
- 08 EDGAR Certifications
- 08a Suspension & Debarment Certification
- 08b Ineligibility & Voluntary Exclusion
- 08c Contractor's Alcohol & Tobacco Free Certification
- 08d Drug Free Workplace Certification
- 08e Statement of Non-Collusion & Non-Discrimination
- 08f Buy American Provision Certification
- 08g Buy American Waiver Exception List
- 09a Contractor's Certification Regarding Worker's Compensation
- 09b HUB Participation
- 09c Iran Contracting Act
- 10 Felony Conviction Notification
- 11a Instructions for DPS Fingerprinting
- 11b DPS CCH Verification
- 12 Criminal History Authorization Information for Contractors
- 13a SB9 Certification (Criminal History Record Information)
- 13b Contractor's Certification
- 14 Form 1295 & Instructions