Cooperatives Approved Vendors
Coops & Vendors
Valid COCISD Coop Lists for method of procurement (Enter appropriate Key code in "Catalog Nbr" field on requisition):
Before starting a purchase order requisition in Ascender, check the following lists to find vendors in existing district cooperatives (co-ops).
Key Code Link
ASSOC Conference / Association Dues / ESC Professional Development
TRAVEL Travel / Meals / Competition
ESC4 ESC 4, TCPN, NIPA, OMNIA, US COMMUNITIES, HARRIS COUNTY Choice Partners excel (Amazon, Office Depot)
EPIC6 EPIC6 Vendor List: Instructional Supplies - Academic Curriculum
ESC7 ESC7 Vendor List
BUYB Buyboard
PACE PACE Vendor list (Excel ) (Sams)
SPA School Purchasing Alliance (Food Service)
SOLE Sole Source (must attach vendor's "sole source form" to requisition. After requisition is saved "Document" button
will appear)
<50 Items with preapproval in a commodity code that will not go over
$49,999.99 (Must have prior approval)
ACTIVITY Activity funds and Campus Activity fund
PROFESS Professional Services as defined by TEC 44.031
44.031 Fuel & Produce